We recruit the best candidates who possess leadership potential, and we offer them excellent career prospect.
Generally speaking, an AO will be considered for his/her first promotion to the Senior Administrative Officer (SAO) rank during their 7th year of service. Before that, AOs in their 4th or 5th year of service will usually be given opportunities to work in positions at the SAO rank before they are actually considered for promotion.
The most able and aspiring officers may fill leading positions in the Government, namely Permanent Secretaries in bureaux and Directors of Government departments.

The Administrative Officer (AO) Grade comprises seven ranks, including AO, Senior AO (SAO), AO Staff Grade C (AOSGC), AO AOSGB, AOSGB, AOSGA and AOSGA1. AOs are assigned to take up different duties in bureaux and departments, district offices as well as mainland and overseas offices in the Government. Positions generally held by AOs are set out as follows:
In Bureaux: AOs / SAOs usually take up the post of Assistant Secretaries; whereas AOSGCs will serve as Principal Assistant Secretaries or Administrative Assistants; AOSGBs / B1s to serve as Deputy Secretaries; and AOSGA1 to be appointed as Permanent Secretaries.
In Departments: Apart from the positions of AOs and SAOs, AOSGCs usually serve as Assistant Directors; AOSGBs as Deputy Directors; and AOSGAs to be appointed as Heads of Departments.
In District Offices: Assistant District Officers of various District Offices are usually held by AOs or SAOs; whereas the post of District Officers are held by AOSGCs.
In Economic and Trade Offices (ETOs): depending on the organisation of individual offices, Assistant Directors / Deputy Directors of ETOs are generally held by SAOs or AOSGCs, and could be held by AOSGBs. Heads of ETOs are usually taken up by officers ranked between AOSGC and AOSGA.
In Bureaux: AOs / SAOs usually take up the post of Assistant Secretaries; whereas AOSGCs will serve as Principal Assistant Secretaries or Administrative Assistants; AOSGBs / B1s to serve as Deputy Secretaries; and AOSGA1 to be appointed as Permanent Secretaries.
In Departments: Apart from the positions of AOs and SAOs, AOSGCs usually serve as Assistant Directors; AOSGBs as Deputy Directors; and AOSGAs to be appointed as Heads of Departments.
In District Offices: Assistant District Officers of various District Offices are usually held by AOs or SAOs; whereas the post of District Officers are held by AOSGCs.
In Economic and Trade Offices (ETOs): depending on the organisation of individual offices, Assistant Directors / Deputy Directors of ETOs are generally held by SAOs or AOSGCs, and could be held by AOSGBs. Heads of ETOs are usually taken up by officers ranked between AOSGC and AOSGA.