While AOs acquire various types of exposure and experience on the job, we also offer them ongoing training and development opportunities under a well-structured framework tailor-made for AOs throughout their career. Some key programmes are highlighted below

Introduction Training
New recruits will receive various training in political system and public administration, financial management, legal and judicial system, national studies, public engagement, media skills, language and communication, leadership and personal effectiveness in their first two years of service.

National Studies
To enhance officers' understanding of the latest developments in the Mainland, AOs will participate in National Studies programmes in Beijing (e.g. Tsinghua University and Peking University) and study and visit programmes to different cities in the Mainland at different stages during their career.

Overseas Training
On successful completion of probation (i.e. after completion of the 3rd year of service in most cases), officers will be sent to renowned universities overseas to attend training programmes on public administration and management.

Secondment Programmes
With the public/private sector and staff exchange programmes with overseas governments and institutions (e.g. UN Junior Professional Officer Programme, APEC Secretariat and Asian Development Bank) under which senior AOs will be seconded to the relevant organisations for a meaningful duration to broaden their exposure and experience.

Senior Management
Development Programmes
Senior Administrative Officers (i.e. usually officers with 7 or more years of experience) will receive further training in strategies and leadership skills, preparing them for taking up leadership roles in the Government.

Executive Development
Officers promoted to the directorate rank will be considered for full sponsorship to attend degree programmes or short-term executive development programmes run by distinguished overseas institutions (e.g. Harvard University, Stanford University and Oxford University, etc.) Local management workshops on people management, public administration, negotiation and communication skills are also arranged for officers on a regular basis.

Sponsorship for
Part-time Studies
In line with the philosophy of continuous learning, officers are offered sponsorship to pursue part-time studies in relevant fields (including relevant post-graduate degree programmes in public administration, law, business administration, finance and economics), as well as foreign language studies.